Our special 'Make to Order' service means that we will always be able to meet your needs.
We understand that having a distinctive uniform which reflects the ethos and the values of the School adds to a strong brand image and raises a school's profile in the local community. Our team takes the time to understand the vision that each individual school has for their new uniform and ensures that every detail is captured and encapsulated in the final product. Multi-Academy Trusts often have a "house-style" and we are able to tailor garment colours, sizing, trims, linings and embroideries in line with any specifications.
We are also able to digitise logo's and prints and to make each garment personalised to the wearer's requirements.
Our Leavers' Hoodies, come in a huge variety of colours and styles and never fail to impress! All we need is a word document with each leaver's name separated by a comma and we will be able to format this into a Special leavers print, for the year in question.
With this in mind if you cannot find the product design, colour or size you are looking for on our website or would like to order Leavers hoodies, please contact our sales office on 0191 2302320 or e-mail us on sales@michaelsehgal.co.uk