Thorp Academy
You will find the Approved school uniform and PE kit for Thorp Academy on this page.

How to order
Choose your product below, select the right size, add it to your basket and place your order.

Thorp Academy Uniform Jumper
from £16.99

Thorp Academy Uniform Cardigan
from £16.99

Thorp Academy Approved Style Pleated Skirt
from £17.99

Thorp Academy PE T-Shirt
from £12.99

Thorp Academy Multisport Reversible PE Shirt
from £19.99

Thorp Academy Navy PE shorts (unisex)
from £3.99

Thorp Academy Logo Girls PE Leggings
from £14.99

Thorp PE Performance sports socks - Navy
from £4.99

Twin Pack Opaque 70 Denier Black Tights
from £7.99
What they say
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